Non Incapacitating Injury: Everything You Should Know

3 min read

Non Incapacitating Injury: Everything You Should Know

In the United States, five types of injury categories are divided based on the KABCO scale. These five categories include Killed, Incapacitating Injury, Non-Incapacitating, Possible Injury, and Non-Injured. This article will not cover all five types of injuries, but we will only focus on a non incapacitating injury.

What is it and what are the examples? For more details, keep reading.

KABCO Injury Scale. What is it?

Before you dive into non incapacitating injury, it’s good to know about the KABCO injury scale. What is it? Simply put, the KABCO injury scale is a scale created by the Federal Highway Administration (FWHA) to measure the severity of vehicle accidents, be it cars, motorcycles, or trucks.

In addition, the FWHA divides the KABCO scale into five categories, each of which forms the KABCO abbreviation. You also need to know that each country chart has different regulations regarding this scale. So, what are these five categories of injuries? For an explanation, please see below!

1. Killed (K)

This is a category that refers to victims who die from injuries caused by a vehicle accident within 30 days of the accident.

2. Disabling Injury (A)

This injury category defines severe injuries that prevent the accident victim from continuing their normal activities. Examples of this injury category include broken or distorted limbs, internal injuries, and chest crushes.

3. Non Incapacitating Injury (B)

Non incapacitating injuries, on the other hand, are real or visible injuries that include bruises, abrasions, or minor cuts or lacerations. The difference is that this category of injury does not result in a person’s inability to go about their daily activities.

4. Possible Injury (C)

Next up is the possible injury. This is a type of injury where each injury is invisible, such as limping or complaining of pain. Although invisible, the pain of these injuries is still real for the victims.

5. Not Injured (O)

This is a type of injury reserved for people who were involved in an accident but did not sustain injuries A, B, or C. As an interesting fact, in other states in the United States, this type of injury is often referred to as “O”.

In addition to the five injury categories above, there is still one injury category coded 99 or Unknown. The use of this injury category applies when the FWHA cannot determine if there is an injury. The injury might be unknown as to whether the accident was a hit-and-run or whether the potentially injured party fled the scene.

Let’s say you’re asking what the importance of understanding these types of injuries is. The most reasonable answer, then, is to help you in a lawsuit in a vehicle accident. By understanding these types of injuries, you and your legal representative can determine the right legal strategy while getting fair compensation.

What is a Non Incapacitating Injury? 

Before you find out about this injury, it’s a good idea to first understand what an incapacitating injury is. An incapacitating injury is a type of injury that can cause long-term or even permanent disability that prevents a person from returning to their daily activities

Aside from that, incapacitating injuries also usually require extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, and even ongoing care. With all this medical care required, it can cause a huge financial and emotional burden to you and your injured family.

A non incapacitating injury, on the other hand, is a type of injury that does not cause a person to become disabled but still provides significant temporary impairment. Usually, these types of injuries are visible to the body, such as bruises, abrasions, or minor cuts that interfere with daily activities.

To put it more simply, a non incapacitating injury is an injury that can cause significant bodily harm to a person but is not severe enough to disable or render the person disabled. 

Examples of Non Incapacitating Injuries

Below are some examples of injuries that are not disabling. What are they? To figure out, please check the bullet points below.

  • Bruises
  • Minor lacerations
  • Minor head injuries such as a bump on the head or concussion
  • Minor neck injuries such as whiplash
  • Abrasions
  • Muscle sprains and strains
  • Joint dislocations
  • Minimal scarring
  • Minor injuries

Even if it does not cause you or anyone else serious injury, a person with a minor injury still requires medical treatment. This medical care generally includes a general physical examination, pain medication, stitches on the wound, a sling, and so on.

Most Common Causes of A Non Incapacitating Injury

Each category of injury, whether incapacitating or non-incapacitating, has its causes. Car accidents are the most common cause of incapacitating injuries, especially if it is a high-speed car accident. This type of accident can cause paralysis, traumatic brain injury, and even broken bones.

On the other hand, car accidents can also cause non-incapacitating injuries. These are not high-speed car accidents, but rather car accidents that cause minor impacts that leave you with sprains, strains, or bruises.

Apart from car accidents, the other most common causes of this category of injury include falls that cause sprains and sports accidents that cause muscle strains. In other words, any type of accident that leaves you with a bruise, sprain, or minor injury falls under the category of non-incapacitating injuries.

Medical Treatment for A Non Incapacitating Injury

Despite not causing serious injuries, however, a non incapacitating injury category still requires medical intervention with a less intensive treatment approach. Generally, medical treatment for this category of injuries includes rest, pain management, physical therapy, and other therapies.

Further, in some cases, this category of injury can even recover on its own as time passes without the need for medical treatment. This is in contrast to incapacitating injuries which require extensive medical treatment and long-term rehabilitation to sort out the injury.

Have You Known About A Non Incapacitating Injury?

In conclusion, a non incapacitating injury is a type of injury that does not cause serious injury. This category of injuries usually includes bruises, sprains, abrasions, and strains. The causes of this injury also vary, ranging from minor car accidents, falls that cause sprains, and sports accidents that cause muscle strain.

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